What you need to know before ordering a zipper

When ordering zippers for your design or product project, what can we do in advance to make the customization process faster? This is excellent knowledge for those ordering custom zippers for the first time. Let's learn it together through this article.

Zipper Type

What type of zipper are you looking for? What is the ultimate zipper application? Are you looking for nylon coil, metal, or plastic molded zippers? Each type of zipper produced should meet the functional needs of the piece and be balanced with the aesthetics the designer is trying to achieve. Once you know which zipper type you will use, you can move on to the standard sizes.


The basic zipper styles are

- closed bottom

- Separate bottom

- Two-way split bottom

- Two-way closed bottom


Zipper Application

What product, or scenario, will your custom zipper apply to? For example, if you are designing and producing a jacket, you will need a bottom-separating zipper. For denim, a closed bottom is good for you. If you have a long trench coat and need two zipper heads, one at the top and one at the bottom, you will need a two-way split bottom zipper.


Zipper Sizes

When we refer to gauge sizes, we are referring to the size of the teeth. We manufacture gauges #2 - #10 that cover the different types of zippers we make. That said, you need to know how large (width) you want the teeth to be to again meet the piece's functional and aesthetic needs. If the zipper is a metal zipper, proceed with the zipper finish. If the zipper is a nylon coil or plastic molded zipper, skip to the zipper length.


Zipper Finishing

This applies to metal zippers only. Are you looking for brass, nickel, gunmetal, antique nickel, antique brass, etc.? While finishing is primarily for aesthetic purposes, in some cases, the type of finish should be considered based on the type of processing the garment will experience. We see this a lot in the denim industry. With all chemical cleaners used to achieve a specific finish or look, the type of zipper finish should be planned ahead of time to ensure the zipper can withstand the desired laundering of the garment.


Zipper Length

The following two are very simple. How long of a zipper do you need? When measuring a zipper, do not include the length of the tape extender. You only measure the zipper length from the top stop to the bottom stop, metal to metal.


Zipper Color

Color is probably the most subjective part of a zipper that we deal with. While you may think red or blue is blue, that's not the case. Here's why. Once you have chosen your color, you must consider the type of light you are approving the color for. Is it fluorescent or white light, or are you using the sun outdoors? If you are outside, is it morning sunlight or afternoon sunlight? When you approve a color, be consistent with the light source you use when reviewing and approving the color.


Zipper quantities

When purchasing wholesale zippers, you will encounter minimum requirements. Why do you impose minimum requirements on wholesale zippers? We do this because the minimums are consistent with the minor quantities we can produce with our machines. Some wholesale zipper companies will impose a minimum quantity, while others may impose minimum yardage.


When you have all of the above issues identified before you customize your zipper, your communication process with the manufacturer can be completed quickly, and production can begin quickly. Of course, some issues may be better determined during the communication process with the manufacturer, such as style, style, etc. You can see if the manufacturer's existing style has the style you want or if you need to design a different custom. If you want to finish the custom zipper efficiently, contact Delux Zipper, we are a professional zipper manufacturer and your reliable custom zipper partner.


Reprinted from Delux Zipper - What you need to know before ordering a zipper



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